Good Friday's Finds #100

I started Friday’s Finds almost two years ago, “In an attempt to make my finds on Twitter more explicit, this may be the start of regular posts on some of the things I learned this past week (weekly seems better than monthly).”

This weekly activity forces me to review and reflect, good things to practice in my opinion.

@funnymonkey – “Every time I read content on Linked In I get another look at the evolving face of spam. I feel dirty afterwards.”

Why high performance organizations will thrive on uncertainty & lack of control – by @RossDawson

When you look at what has really changed in the best performing organizations of today compared to say those of a couple of decades ago, this is at the heart of the matter. Executives used to be in control, know what was happening, and to direct the company’s activities in detail to achieve success. That doesn’t work any more.

As I told the audience, we all know CEOs who like being fully in control of the situation. Unless they can quickly change who they are, they are not well suited to the world of today and tomorrow, and will almost inevitably fail. Their successors will be completely comfortable with uncertainty, lack of control, and guiding a path to success from that base.

Embracing Chaos with a Little Help from My Friends – by @raesmaa

  1. Firstly, business development people at that time were stuck at the process automation hype, in the name of cost and time savings. Both good targets, however people and innovation (other than process innovation) were neglected. The same applies to organizational learning. These were not in the core focus for most organizations.
  2. Secondly (ok, this is obvious); the speed by which the level complexity has grown is huge. Change and complexity are becoming a norm. As Harold Jarche says: “Any work where complexity is not the norm will be of diminishing value.” In my model, I see it all too simplified.
  3. Thirdly, I was on the right track but missing some adjectives – especially the social. And I was stuck to the processes too much; the physical process (distribution of goods) and the related information processes.

Graphic: The Cost of Fragmented Communication in the Enterprise – by @socialcast

Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong [reminds me of Life in perpetual Beta]

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